Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Book 18

Alright, today I had quite a day today. First off some slime ball homeless man who thinks he runs this palace challenges me; I finished him off quick (with a little help from Athena). Then Penelope walked down to check on things in the courtyard, she was lookin’ soooo fine, I just wanted to run up and kiss her. Then I pulled an Aristotle and had quite the philosophical speech, there were probably many suitors who were confused about my speech. I started off by saying about how humans depend far too much on the gods. If we think the gods are on our side we think we can do anything. Some of our lives are run by gods, because we have no drive to do anything. We feel that our fates are sealed by the gods and we can’t change anything, the gods will take care of everything.
I then talked about my adventures; I had always depended on myself and at first was really happy. Then I proceed to fall into a string of bad events, because I thought of myself as a god.
There are certain boundaries you cannot cross with the gods; you cannot take advantage of the gods. You need to honor the gods and treat them, well, like gods. At the same time if they give you an opportunity you should seize it.
Haha then I started making some harsh warnings. I just wanted to give them all a fair chance before I slaughtered them all. I told them once Odysseus came home he would slaughter them all until he had conquered his home. Can’t say I didn’t warn them.

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